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  • Writer's pictureYanelis Branly

Embracing Serenity: My Path from Corporate World to Cabin Hosting Success

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Yani, the face behind Serenitree Stays and your favorite host. Some of you may already know me as the girl that owns 3 cabins in the Blue Ridge Mountains. But what if I told you that it wasn't always like that, and for a while, I had lost my purpose in life?

Yes, you see, prior to diving into the world of vacation rentals, I had a very promising career in the corporate world, like many of us believe will fulfill our life's purpose. For years, I pursued that professional path, eventually becoming a service manager for a well-known bank. However, I felt overworked, unappreciated, trapped, and like a slave to someone else's dream. Simultaneously, I was experiencing one of the biggest emotional and spiritual failures of my life. Despite having a "promising career" ahead of me, I felt completely defeated.

It took some time to realize that job was actually holding me back. It wasn't until my now-husband encouraged me to have the courage to move on from that path and quit that job that I started to find some peace. However, that peace quickly turned into contentment and a lack of purpose, leaving me empty once again, unsure of what to do with my life, at least professionally.

I got my real estate licence and would help my husband with his business here and there, but I still felt like I wasn't living up to my passions and dreams. Trust me, it took many years to discover what I truly loved to do. Becoming a host and running a vacation rental company was not something that had ever crossed my mind.

This unexpected journey began in 2020 during the pandemic when we embarked on a few cross-country road trips. Later, my husband, Nelson, contracted COVID-19 and experienced significant anxiety and depression, leading us to seek relief in the serenity of nature in North Carolina. It was there that I discovered the art of slow living and realized that's what I wanted to achieve in my life—a simpler lifestyle.

So, we bought our first cabin, Whispering Pines Haven, and moved there for 8 months, gradually rehabbing it. During this time, I felt that my loved ones should also be able to experience the serenity the mountains were giving us, especially during the pandemic. We ended up buying our second cabin for a family that was going through a similar overwhelming situation in life and helped them move to North Carolina. They, too, found healing in nature, and their lives changed for the better. Eventually, that family was able to buy their own home, leaving us with two cabins to rent out as vacation rentals.

Currently, we are in the midst of rehabbing that second cabin, pouring our hearts and creativity into making it a haven for those seeking tranquility in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It's a labor of love, and we can't wait to share it with our guests soon.

But the journey didn't stop there. Our passion for providing these serene getaways led us to explore new opportunities. We decided to expand our venture by purchasing another cabin, Moonstruck, nestled in the enchanting Smoky Mountains. It's an exciting addition to Serenitree Stays, and we're looking forward to the adventures it will bring.

In summary, my story is one of transformation and discovery. I learned that sometimes, the path we believe will fulfill us may lead to unhappiness and a sense of purposelessness. It takes courage to break free from the familiar and seek out what truly makes us come alive. Nature, slow living, and the serenity of the mountains were my guiding lights, showing me the way to a simpler, more fulfilling life. Through hosting and sharing these experiences with others, I found my true passion and purpose.

I hope with my story you can see it's never too late to redefine your path and follow your heart. Embrace change, trust your instincts, and surround yourself with the beauty that nourishes your soul. Who would have thought that a journey from corporate life to cabin host could lead to such a fulfilling and meaningful chapter? Life has a way of surprising us when we dare to take that leap of faith.

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